Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Developing My Double Page Spread

Saturday, March 27, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
Developing Table of Contents: Images, Part 1
Kristie, one of my model. and I met up over the weekend to practice shots and hopefully capture some good pictures for my table of content page. These pictures were taken over the course of a weekend we spent together as she cleaned out her closet. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade! I took this as an opportunity to execute a photoshoot of sorts, with of course a fashion show in between. With her help we pieced together a variety of looks, ranging from a casual to high-end style, and experimented with different lighting and camera angles. One of the reason why I chose to do a black hair and beauty/skin magazine was because their photographs allowed for a lot of flexibility regarding colors, poses, models, hair, outfit, accessories, etc. I think this creative freedom is what drawn me to this magazine genre and what makes these hair and beauty magazines so appealing.
Although I took an assortment of pictures I am leaning more towards the last images as it's lighting is the most complementing of my model's skin of all the photos taken, which works in favor of my skin/beauty content. Her red nail color and black and gold attire are also enriched by the sunlight, and in combination with the gleam off her distressed locs by the sun I feel these photos captures the beauty/skin and hair content of my magazine best.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Developing Table of Contents: Images, Part 2
Below are the photos of skincare products I took for the
skincare section of my table of contents. Looking at content pages from other
black hair and beauty/skin magazines I noticed that images of skincare products
was a common feature on all pages, therefore I felt taking these pictures was a
necessity for an authentic beauty/skin magazine. I chose the basic skin creams and oils I could find around my room
to match the natural skincare information my cover page and content table
promised coverage on. As you can tell I played around with
the lighting, angle, prop set up and background for my photos, but in the end,
I decided to use the third picture as the lighting from the sun had increased
the clarity and readability of the label and details of the creams and
oils. Since I would eventually erase the background of the photo in Canva
the mis-en-scene was irrelevant, as so was the props, as I could
manually add them in Canva. In the end it all came down to lighting, which
I got the best of during midday, when the sun was partially out.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Developing My Content Page
Being that I altered the color scheme of my cover page from a monochromatic pink into bright festive colors like blue, yellow, green, and pink I had to rearrange my contents page to match my new theme. Additionally, my content page was basic and looked uncustomized, which is the complete opposite of what a magazine's content page is supposed to look like. Since this basically meant that I had to scrap my entire content page I looked at other magazines for inspiration and as a basis to start building off of.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Developing My Cover Page
Originally I had planned on sticking with this design for my cover page, but upon further research of magazine conventions seen in black hair and beauty/skin publications, like Essence, Ebony, and Black Beauty & Hair I decided that my draft did not exactly meet the standards of my magazine genre. For one I felt the cover looked washed out and empty, which is the exact opposite of black hair and beauty/skin magazines. So I partially scraped the cover page, only leaving behind the taglines, masthead, main image, anchor text, cover lines, buzz words, and barcode.