Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Question 2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

 Magazines caters to the interest of the public or a demographic within the masses. In order to ensure full engagement with my audience I conducted a survey to best learn the interests and demographics of my readers. In this survey I acquired information about what content, models, color schemes, and titles would best appeal to my target market.  With the feedback I received through this survey I structured my magazine components, such as the color scheme and cover page model, around the interests of my audience. To further elaborate, my target market was black female high school teenagers interested in hair and beauty, I featured a young, African American upcoming Miami hairstylist. On a local scale this feature story would do well to relate with my audience, who is also of the same age, race, gender and has the same interests and location as my feature model. I also discussed the up bringing, advice, dreams, and struggles in my model's hair journey which would inspire other young hair entrepreneurs to chase their dreams, or simply entertain them with them with a anecdote. 



My magazine as a real media text would be distributed through youth, beauty/skin, or hair-based businesses and areas, such as the beauty supply hair, salons, barbershops (for my expansion into the male hair and beauty industry), and even the newsstands in convenient stores and on the side of the street where there is a lot of foot traffic. Since my target market, who are female black youth are in a predominantly tech savvy generation I will use social media platforms and digital media, such as a website to promote my business and serve as a virtual means to acquire my magazine. Overall, my means of distributions will reach youth that are geared toward print materials and or digital methods of reading. 

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