Friday, September 18, 2020

Reflection on the Syllabus


  I have limited knowledge of creating a magazine but I do however have experience in photo editing, formatting creative pieces, and conducting surveys to gauge an audience's preference. These skills all though they are not plenty should put me at a decent starting point for creating my cover page, contents, and my featured article. 

    I look forward to creating the contents and front page of my magazine because it's an opportunity for my creativity and  ingenuity to flourish. I am also excited to brainstorming ideas about the topic of my magazine and research into different realms of interests. Lastly I am looking forward to learning about the technical elements of media texts, such as camera shots, angel, sound, etc to gain a better understanding of it's significance.

        Despite all that I anticipate there are also aspects of this course that makes me wary such as correctly interpreting the significance of these technical elements in a media text. In addition, I am equally as nervous about creating appealing content in my magazine that my audience will enjoy as I am excited about doing it. The written test about media texts and contents is also nerve racking as well because there are a lot of different components I need to learn and know how to apply while being in a virtual environment. 

       All in all, I hope to gather knowledge on media techniques and terminologies, as well as gaining experience with digital technology to construct media texts. 


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